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Chicago Bob and the Hitmen are a 21st century band with their roots in 20th century classic blues and the music it subsequently has influenced.  This has resulted in a series of original compositions, the first of which "Winning Streak" is available on the mp3 player on the home page of this web site.  The remaining songs will be available of the upcoming album "The Unlikely Rock Gods of Waikiki".


Chicago Bob and the Hitmen are:



Chicago Bob Morgen       -  Bass, Lead Vocals

John "Max" Maxson        -  Guitars, Backing Vocals

David "Beez" Beasley     -  Drums, Backing Vocals

Kimo Kaiulani Russell    -  Blues Harp




Chicago Bob and the Hitmen are four friends who realized they had what it took to make a great band.


Chicago Bob and Max have had a a musical relationship extending back to the early 90's playing in various Waikiki clubs under many names.  By the mid 00's, Chicago Bob had become one of the leading karaoke hosts in Waikiki (at the Honolulu Tavern).  It was during this engagement the Bob met both Beez and Kimo.  Bob, Beez, and Kimo, were friends for years before the subject turned to the subject to live music and it came up that Beez played drums, and that Kimo played harmonica (he hates it when you call it the harmonica, it is a HARP!).  So when opportunity knocked in the form of being the Thursday night regular band at the Banana Patch Lounge in the Miramar Hotel in Waikiki, the seeds of a great band began to take root, and the rest as they say is history.

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